10 Creative ways to store toys in 2023

10 Creative ways to store toys in 2023

10 Creative storage solutions to store and organize toys and puzzles in 2023

  1. Use bins, baskets, and boxes: These are great for storing small toys, such as action figures and dolls. You can label the bins or boxes to help kids easily find what they're looking for.
  2. Use shelves and bookcases: Shelves and bookcases can be used to store larger toys, such as stuffed animals and toy cars. You can also use small baskets or bins on the shelves to contain smaller items.
  3. Use over-the-door organizers: Over-the-door organizers can be a great way to store puzzles and other small toys. They take up minimal space and can be hung on the back of a door.
  4. Use hanging storage: Hanging storage, such as hanging baskets or pockets, can be a great way to store small toys and keep them off the floor. You can hang them on the wall or on the side of a bookshelf.
  5. Use under bed storage: If you have limited space, you can use under bed storage boxes or bins to store larger toys and puzzles.
  6. Use stackable bins: Stackable bins can be a great way to store and organize toys and puzzles. You can stack them on top of each other to save space.
  7. Use drawers: If you have a dresser or other type of storage with drawers, you can use the drawers to store smaller toys and puzzles.
  8. Use toy chests: Toy chests are a classic way to store and organize toys. They can be used to store a variety of toys, including puzzles. Just be sure to label the outside of the chest so kids can easily find what they're looking for.
  9. Use repurposed furniture: If you have old furniture, such as an old dresser or armoire, you can repurpose it as a toy storage unit. This can be a great way to add some character to the room and keep toys organized at the same time.
  10. Use pegboards: Pegboards are a versatile and customizable storage solution that can be used to store a variety of toys and puzzles. You can use hooks and bins to hang toys and puzzles on the pegboard.
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